From the US to Italy - Reisverslag uit Milaan, Italië van Suzanne Maas - From the US to Italy - Reisverslag uit Milaan, Italië van Suzanne Maas -

From the US to Italy

Door: Webmaster

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Suzanne

07 Oktober 2007 | Italië, Milaan

Hey everybody!

Right now on my own continent! WOEHOE! I’m so happy!
But okey I’ll tell you my other stories first!
I had to refresh my mind about what happened after Eureca. After Eureca (Or.) we went to Coos Bay (Ca.). Yess California…..we expected sun…but to bad the weather was not really good! Together with Hanna from the Filipins I stayed with a really sweet single woman….who made the best breakfasts ever! Every morning there was something else on the menu! Jammie! Our stay was really short, but Hanna and I had a great time! Owwww and we did the best CI (Community Impact) EVER! Well for us! We cleaned the beach! And it was not really dirty so we walked around and learned about the ocean etc. But the best thing ever was seeing the whales! WOW This is something so special! (not for the people of Coos Bay, but still!)
After Coos Bay we went to Portland! A great city! Together with Andrea I stayed at the family of an alumni! Jennifer (a.k.a. Jennie) from Cast B 1986! How cool was that! They had an daughter and a son (13 and 9 yrs. Old) They were really bright and talked a lot. So we learned a lot about Portland, UWP in the 80’s, nature (since Francisco was really interested in nature) and Chili…because our hostdad came from Chili! We did several great CI’s. Volunteering at an event for homeless people and helping out in a woman’s shelter for abused woman and children. During that week it was the celebrating of the Chilean independence day. So one night we had Chilean food what was really good. I liked it a lot and o did Andrea since it was pretty similar to the Mexican food.
On Friday we went to Mount St. Helens a volcano the had erupted in the 80’s, so there were a lot of pictures to compare what the mountain (and it’s surroundings) looked like before and after the eruption. That was really interesting. Our last night that we were able to eat dinner al together, we went to a Chinese restaurant which was really good…and after that Ben & Jerry’s and than we went to Powels one of the biggest book stores in the world. Of course I bought to many books! And I noticed that during checking of the luggage @ the airport! Hahaha! But first Las Vegas! Yep Portland – Las Vegas… Jeuj 2 days traveling in the bus!! But it was totally worded! Las Vegas was our last city in the US (ow I forgot to mention that Portland was half of our time with UWP!)
But okey Las Vegas! Together with GiGi (Vanessa) I stayed at Trish! Trish was our 27 year old hostmom! Could we be more lucky in Las Vegas?? NO! She lived in a beautiful house in the north of Las Vegas. And it was so relaxing to stay with somebody of our own age. She let us do what ever we wanted. A nice glass of wine during diner ;) Relaxing on the couch and watching silly tv-programs (Tyra Banks…she had a guest, a young girl singing about her lip-gloss….To funny…”My lip gloss is popping, my lip gloss is popping, What you know about me, what you know about me…) As you can hear….very difficult lyrics! Hahahah We had a blast!
Because Vegas was our last city in the US it was a very interesting week. A lot of closure activities and introduction of Europe activities. Our last Stand For Peace projects in schools, our last US show and so for a lot of the Americans it was a hard week, because this was the first time to leave there continent and there country. During the show there were a lot family members of the cast to say good bye. And the important people of UWP to see how we were doing and if we were ready to go to Europe. It was fun! But also hard for a lot of people to say good bye!
Friday was our show day in a beautiful outdoor facility. It was a pretty challenging facility because the sound is so different outside! But we had a lot of fun! On Saturday I slept in! And packet my luggage, did some laundry and watched some tv with my hostmom! Around 4 o’clock we went to the strip to do some tourist stuff. We saw the fountain at the Bellagio BEAUTIFUL! And of course some gambling…Black Jack! At one point I had almost 100 dollars profit…but than we kept on going and…so my profit got smaller and smaller to 15 dollars! Hahaha but we had a lot of fun! Than we decided to go to the Venetian also BEAUTIFUL! We had 2 beers…Jeuj…Heineken LIGHT hahaha wat een giller light bier!! Did some shopping of course and than we had diner and went to the place were host drop off was at 9 in the evening! There we had our real closure and at midnight we started our trip to Seattle to catch our plane to Milan! WOEHOE! From Saturday midnight to Monday morning we traveled in the bus and than we arrived in Seattle at 4 in the morning! Half of our cast had to leave in the morning on the first flight and the rest (including me) were flying @ 9:30 in the evening! So we went to downtown Seattle. Together with Katie, Vanessa and Lysan I went to a hairdresser, had lunch, saw the fish-market and the first starbucks EVER! So we had a lot of fun….and coffee! So we flew to London and than to Milan and we arrived on Tuesday night at 2 o’clock and slept in a gym….that was the 4th night without a bed (not really comfy) I hope this was the fist and only time this happened during our travels.

But YESSS We are in Milan!! What a great city. After a short and cold night in the gym we had a brunch that was really good! And then we went to the city center of Milan and saw the Duomo, the golden triangle and a lot of other beautiful tourist things. Later that day was host pickup what was very exiting since there are a lot of Italian families who don’t speak any English! But Yess our hostmom and dad speak perfect English! And also there 2 sons! A real Italian family! Very good cooking and erg gezellig! (I don’t know the word in English since it does not exists in English!) This week there were a lot of late nights and we got a change to go to the bar (finally) with some people…since we have a curfew we were home at 23:55! The problem was that we needed to leave @ 6:10 in the morning.. a short night again! On Friday Show day which was fun and on Saturday an other show day… but on a different location…so that was pretty exhausting! And today…Sunday a day to sleep in!!! YESSS We needed it! I slept until 10:15 which is very uncommon since we had to get up before 7 every day! We had a very good lunch and went to Milano! Visit some churches and a castle! It was very beautiful! And now…..packing my suitcase because tomorrow we are traveling to Switzerland! Luzerne! I’m exited!
And JEUJ in a few weeks I’ll be in The Netherlands…Come to the show on the 2nd of November!!! It’s going to be a lot of fun! You can reserve tickets @ the theater …just give them a phone call!

Okeyyyy A big kiss to everybody…. See you in a few weeks ;)

Hey Tien en Lalalala lessen hebben zijn vruchten afgeworpen...ik zit in de micgroups... ;) hahaha

  • 07 Oktober 2007 - 19:36

    Thomas Sr:

    Hee suus,
    Very nice to read that our european part of the world gives you the feeling to be home... Going to the bar, drinking some beers.., coming home very early in the morning... That's Suzanne. And again very nice to read that you enjoy yourself... All succes in Switserland and see you in...... THE NETHERLANDS!!!!
    (But first we are going to Potugal..) Enjoy.. Spap

  • 07 Oktober 2007 - 19:38

    Thomas Sr:


  • 07 Oktober 2007 - 20:14


    De kaarten zijn binnen!!! Ik heb er zin in. Big Kissss

  • 07 Oktober 2007 - 20:46


    Hee suus!!

    Je ziet er goed uit! zo te lezen en te zien vermaak je je helemaal! Ik kijk er naar uit om jullie te zien!! Want karlijn heeft en kaartje voor me besteld!

    Veel liefs Floor!

  • 07 Oktober 2007 - 21:31


    sleepwell, darling. leuk stukje.

  • 08 Oktober 2007 - 07:05


    Hey Suuske!

    Weer erg leuk om je verhaal te lezen, kaarten worden zsm besteld! Koffie, oh ja dat zal je wel gemist hebben! Heb gisteren toevallig weer een XL cappucino op, mmmmmm Als je in Nederland bent gaan we kijken of dat gaat lukken!

    Dikke kus Linda

  • 08 Oktober 2007 - 16:57


    Hey Suus,
    Heb je al gehoord dat we op de 4e rij zitten bij je show?? Cool he. Kunnen we je goed zien hopelijk (en jij ons misschien). Ben echt heel erg benieuwd naar de show!! CUsoon!!
    Dikke X Lieke

  • 09 Oktober 2007 - 15:24


    Suuske....Italia bellissima!! het klinkt weer super! en ja de 2e zijn we erbij...ik zal met mijn dramaturgische blik eens een oordeeltje vellen ;) have fun en tot de 2e kus

  • 10 Oktober 2007 - 08:53


    suus, wat geweldig allemaal :) Je komt al lekker dichterbij huis!!


  • 11 Oktober 2007 - 14:45


    he mensje daar verweg zal proberen er te zijn lijkt me super enne je blijft erbij dat je geen vakantiegevoel hebt????hihi he geniet ervan
    gr Es

  • 19 Oktober 2007 - 08:56


    Hey nicht, long time no see...
    Toen je in Veghel woonde zag ik je nooit (misschien ooit bij oma). Maar nu je over de wereld zwerft kan ik je weer volgen. Heel veel plezier en ik word wel weer geinformeerd door jouw tante Ria, en natuurlijk je site.
    Geniet van elk moment en vele groeten van ons
    Ellen, Jan, Gijs, Maud en Daan.

  • 24 Oktober 2007 - 17:39



    Ik ben hier een vreemde eend in de bijt, maar wist niet hoe ik je anders moet bereiken. Het Brabants Dagblad wil graag een (telefonisch?) interview met jou houden als je in Nederland bent. Als je dat leuk vindt, geef ik je alvast het emailadres van de redactie, zodat je kunt reageren.
    Ik hoop van je te horen!

    Franziska Weissenbacher
    Brabants Dagblad regio Uden/Veghel

  • 25 Oktober 2007 - 15:06


    Hi there! How's life? You should be home by now...did you get my photos?
    A big kiss from your Italian Family

  • 29 Oktober 2007 - 08:22



    Heb je nog helemaal geen berichtje gestuurd! Het gaat allemaal super daar he! TOP!


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Vorige week heb ik te horen gekregen dat ik mag deelnemen aan Up With People! Een half jaar lang reizen we met een groep van ongeveer 80 jongeren, van alle nationaliteiten, tussen de 18 & 29 jaar door Amerika, Europa en Azie! Elke week zitten we in een andere stad waar we bij gastgezinnen verblijven. In die week geven we lezingen, doen we vrijwilligerswerk, voeren een musical op en gaan natuurlijk de desbetreffende stad en omgeving ontdekken! Een heel gaaf avontuur dus! Volg de verhalen op!

Actief sinds 21 Dec. 2006
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Totaal aantal bezoekers 95926

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06 Juli 2007 - 11 December 2007

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